
I don’t know how you found this website but am so glad you are here.  I have found that over the years God has helped me be aware of the little surprises he gently drops along my trail.  They are everyday simple, occurrences that you and I both can relate to.  He uses those little notices to remind me of His grand sovereignty.  It is not only a blessing but an affirmation of his overwhelming grace. He gently  threads those “touch points” into a story of His encouragement and love and presence.    

So a little about my background as a writer and a little insight as to my family.  My husband Mel and I have been married for 46 years, both native Houstonians, and both University of Texas graduates. I have a Bachelor of Journalism degree in Public Relations and am thankful that God has used that experience to lead me in this direction.

I am a mom of four and grandmom of seven and affectionally known as “Sassy". The lessons I have learned from my husband, my children and the grands have been invaluable...and my prayer is that God will continue to teach us all His lessons to live by.

I have been a bible study teacher for many years and for a decade wrote devotionals each day resulting in four published books: Sweet Sixteen with Hodgkins, Simply God, Raising Bentley and Ain’t Life Grand. I felt called to change course for a few years to partner with my dear friend Jan to host HOW (Hearts of Women), a support ministry for widows, which was a true gift to us all.   And now God has called me to begin writing again.

May you be blessed and gently nudged by God to know him better, praise him abundantly, and be aware of the blessings that he has showered upon you in your everyday walk.

The following scripture quotes my NIV bible published in 1986; the word “streams” has now been translated in newer versions to read “rivers”. Just as streams flow, so do rivers and so does our awareness of God, the closer we come to him. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.  James 4:8

John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within them.